Vision and Mission of College
Empower Students through quality education and augment their holistic development for a sustainable future.
Integrate Knowledge and skills to generate employable graduates who are life long learners.
To empower the community through accessible, quality higher education, fostering intellectual growth, cultural diversity, and holistic development of individuals.
To inspire and ignite among the students, the thirst to seek knowledge, truth, wisdom, the spirit of tolerance brotherhood, volunteerism, and scientific temper.
To enhance teaching, learning, and administrative processes to prepare students for the digital age.
Creating a learning environment where diversity is celebrated, and every student feels welcomed and supported.
To develop the physical and infrastructure facilities to accommodate the growing number of learners.
To introduce new programmes including vocational and skill based courses and equip the faculty members with modern teaching-learning aids to meet challenges of modern times.
• To install environmental consciousness and responsibility, promoting a culture of sustainable living among students and faculty.