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GDC Kargil observes ‘International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking

Organized by

Sports & Physical Department

Date :

Jun 26, 2022

GDC Kargil, June 27, 2022
GDC Kargil observes ‘International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking.
NSS Unit, GDC Kargil organized the International Day Against Drug Trafficking and Illicit
Drug Trafficking in collaboration with Narcotic Cell of the District Police Department. On this occasion Sub Inspector, Tsering Nawang, Incharge Narcotic Cell, Police Department was the
key speaker. The two days long programme comprised of poster making, debate competition and a talk by guest speaker in which students of the college took part with great zeal.
In his address, Tsering Nawang threw light in length on the scenario of drug abuse in Kargil through power point presentation. He informed in details about the different kinds of drugs and
illicit substances in context of Ladakh region. He also talked about the severe effects of drugs and drug abuse on individual and social health.
Incharge Principal GDC Kargil, Saleem Ahmad, Sr. Assistant Professor also presented his thoughts regarding the day. He told the audience that drug usage by an individual makes his/her
whole family suffer.
At the end of the event prizes were distributed among the winners of poster making and debate competitions wherein Hakima Tabassum (5th semester), Ghulam Mehdi (5th Semester) and Zahra Batool (5th semester) were judged first, second and third respectively in the poster making competition. Among the participants of the debate competition Shehnaz Fatima (5th Semester) was adjudged first, whereas Kaneez Fatima (3rd semester) and Zakir Hussain (5th semester) were
awarded the second and third positions respectively. Taira Bano, Assistant Professor (English) was the judge of the competitions. The event concluded with vote of thanks by Archo Fatima Nisa, Assistant Professor (English). The proceedings of the event were conducted by Parveen Fatima, Assistant Professor (English)

Appreciation Letter

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