Awareness campaigns on HIV, TB, Voluntary Blood Donation and Covid-19
Organized by
Red Ribbon Club
Date :
Aug 19, 2021
In-line with the government of India’s intensive country-wide campaign “Azadi Ka Amrit Mohotsav”, Red Ribbon Club, Govt. Degree College Kargil in collaboration with Jammu & Kashmir Aids Control Society organized awareness campaigns on HIV, TB, Voluntary Blood Donation and Covid-19 in a phased manner from 12-20th Aug 2021 on different dates.
The first phase of the campaign launched on the occasion of the international youth day i;e. on 12th of august 2021. Chief Guest Shri Mansukh Mandaviya and Guest of Honour Dr. Bharti Pravin Pawar addressed the youth all over India. In this virtual campaign students as well as Red Ribbon Club members of GDC Kargil with more than 75 thousands students from across India joined. Apart from this, Red ribbon club GDC Kargil also organized short video clip making competition on HIV Awareness campaign (on 13th August), Poster Making Competition on TB Awareness (16th August), Debate Competition on Voluntary Blood Donation Awareness (on 18th August) and Mask Making Competition on Covid-19 awareness campaigns (21th August). Number of students from different Semesters has participated in these phased manner activities. Prof. Ahsan Ali, and Dr. Abid Hussain from RRC GDC Kargil examined the whole events virtually. In the HIV Awareness Campaign competition (Short Video Clip) Sajjad Hussain, B.A. 1st semester got 1st position, Sakina Banoo B.Sc. 6th Semester got 2nd position and Mohd Hassan B.Sc. 5th Semester got 3rd position. In the Poster making competition on TB Awareness Campaign Salima Banoo B. Sc. 6th semester got 1st position, HakimaTabassum, B.Sc. 3rd Semester got 2nd position and Gulzana Banoo B. Sc. 6th semester got 3rd position. In the debate competition on voluntary Blood Donation campaign Mohd Ali B. Sc. 5th semester got 1st Position, Sajjad Hussain B.A. 1stsemester got 2nd Position and Mod Hassan got 3rd position. In the mask making competition Zahra Batool B. Sc. 3rd Semester got 1st Position, Mohammad Ali, B.Sc 6th Semester got 2nd position and Zakir Hussain, B.Sc 6th Semester got 3rd position. The closing cum certificate distribution ceremony was held on 24th of August 2021. Professor Ahsan Ali, the acting coordinator of the Red Ribbon Club briefed the overall activity that had been held in phased manner and Dr. Abid Hussain, Assistant Professor Zoology stressed upon the student for proper designing of poster and strict self implementation of preventive measure of dreadful disease like AIDs, TB, COVID-19 in his speech. Prof. Ali Rahim, Assistant Professor EVS and Prof. Sajjad Hussain examined the poster Presentation. The programme was concluded with the certificate distribution by the hand of Worthy Principal Dr. Amina Quari.

Appreciation Letter