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Change of VAC course for BG 2nd semester Batch 2023


IT Section

Publish Date:

Apr 17, 2024

he College Admission Committee and Department of Sociology wish to inform all BA 2nd Semester students who had opted for "Corporate Social Responsibility" as a VAC (Value Added Course) that their V AC course has been replaced with "Social and Emotional Learning Process."
students are requested to visit the College IT Cell to change their V AC course accordingly. However, it has come to our attention that some students have not yet approached the IT Cell for this purpose.
Therefore, all the students listed below are hereby notified that if they fail to visit the College IT Cell for changing their V AC course within two days from the issuance of this notice, their V AC course will be automatically changed from "Corporate Social Responsibility" to "Social and Emotional Learning Process" without further notification.
List of Students who have not yet approached the IT Cell......

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